

■ 臺灣陶藝與中華民國陶藝協會


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■ 資訊組工作日誌 




■ 臺灣陶藝與中華民國陶藝協會

創會會長 陳實涵
















1. 舉辦年度陶藝節,內容包含各種動態活動及靜態的作品展覽。
2. 協助各地區地方政府、學校、文化、慈善機構推動文化活 動。
3. 舉辦學術性研討會,技術性的陶藝工作營以及地區性聯誼活動。
4. 發行陶藝刊物,建立開放、客觀的資訊網路以促進區域交流。











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網頁空間製作由 文生窯-臺灣工藝之家-吳明儀 贊助維護2023









The development of ceramics in Taiwan, like other places across the earth, has a "prehistoric" period. Seven thousand years ago, rope patterns and otherkinds of lined patterns already decorated pots. Abundant remains of these Taiwanese aboriginal prehistoric ceramics have been found in over a thousandsites all over Taiwan.


During the Sung and Yuan dynasties. (960-1367 AD), pottery came to the Pescadores Island of Taiwan through the "Silk road on the sea" Later, during the late Ming and Chin dynasties (1367-1911 AD), Immigrants from Fukien and Kuangtung Provinces in China brought with them a culture of Chinese pottery. Representative among these are low-fire Chiao-chih pottery, and the 200 year tradition of Nan-tou pottery. Furthermore the Japanese occupation of Taiwan saw the rise of the Miao-li pottery area and the Ying-ko pottery area.


After the World War II, a group of senior potters played an important role in the development of ceramics on Taiwan. Among these were Mr. Tsai Chuan-chu, Mr. Lin Pao-chia, Mr. Wu Jang-nung, Mr. Wu Yu-tang, Mr. Cheng Huan-tang and Mr. Wang Hsiu-kung. They represented the influence of Chinese and Japanese ceramics in Taiwan. Their studies and creations were an outstanding accomplishment and a critical contribution to the development of Taiwanese ceramics.


Especially, during the 1970s, Mr. Lin Pao-chia and Wu Yu-tang both of whom returned from Japan, and Mr. Wu Jang-nung, who graduated from Beijing Art College in China continuously cultivated and educated talented ceramic artists.


In the late 1980s, another group of artists, including Mr. Chiu Huang-tang, Mr. Lee Liang-i, Ms. Yang Wen-ni, Mr. Sun Tsao, Mr. Feng Sheng-kuang, Mr. Yang Tso-chung and many other prominent ceramic artists provoked a rapid development in modern ceramic art all over Taiwan.


In the 1990s, ceramic societies began in many places in Taiwan. The Chinese Ceramics Association Taiwan was founded on the 20th of September, 1992. With over 400 members, including the most senior and most outstanding artists in Taiwan, the CCAT is the largest private ceramic group in the country.


The purpose of the CCAT is to promote the creation of ceramic art, advance international cultural interaction and to create an appreciation of ceramic art. Its organization includes a board of directors, whose current chairman is Mr. Tsai Jung-yu, a supervisor. Under the board's direction are the secretariat and committees for international interaction, publication, academic activity, exhibitions, and business.


Since its inception, the CCAT has been pursuing the following activities: 


1. Promotion of an annual ceramic festival with exhibits as well as hands-on activities and demonstrations.
2. Assistance to local governments, schools, cultural centers and charity organizations in order to promote ceramics activities.
3. Sponsorship of conferences and workshops on academic or technical aspects of ceramics, as well as regional get-togethers.
4. Publication of ceramic journals to facilitate the spread of open and objective news and information.
In its original local colors, contemporary Taiwanese ceramics has become internationalized and obtained a greater variety of styles, mainly because of the advance of electronic communication. 
Therefore, through the introduction of this internet station, our association hopes to further provide services and more opportunities to the ceramic artists and groups in Taiwan and around the world, so that we can learn from each other and promote professionalism and a sense of comradeship.



網頁空間製作由 文生窯-臺灣工藝之家-吳明儀 贊助維護2023